Wednesday, 12 July 2017



Please Study: Psalm 100:1-5, Isaiah 35:1-10

At the beginning of this year 2017, we set our heart on 50 days of fasting to humble ourselves and pray to our God regarding various things and most especially, for His Will to be done here on earth through us and through other believers across the globe. 33 days were observed in the 1st half of the year. In this second half of the year, we are observing the remaining 17 days from June 30 till July 16 2017. To this end, we encourage you to join us and seek God’s face in fasting and prayer. Participants can break their fast from 3pm upward. We all meet at GOPEM Secretariat, KONECCC Hall between 5pm & 6pm every evening except on Sundays for prayers.

            Our theme for this year is “My Year of Blossoming” according to Isaiah 35:2, hence we trust God to complete this work in our lives in the second half of 2017. Please use this prayer bulletin very well as you follow the prayer points. Take enough time in worship as you begin, and in conclusion, pray in tongues as you engage the supernatural. Beloved, you may also visit the ministry blog to download both the current and old prayer bulletins and many other useful information at

MON JULY 10, 2017 {3 John 1:2, Dan 12:13}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of transformation, bless me with sound health.
·         Oh God of transformation, please grant me eternal rest at the end of my journey on earth.
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

TUE JULY 11, 2017 {Dan 12:13, Isaiah 54:17}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of transformation, help me to finish well and strong.
·         Oh God of transformation, grant me total victory over all battles of life.
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

WED JULY 12, 2017 {Phil 4:19}    
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of transformation, bless me with abundant resources for my assignment on earth.
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

THUR JULY 13, 2017 {Ezek 34:1-6}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of transformation, raise sincere and Godly leaders for us in the church and in Nigeria.
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

FRI JULY 14, 2017 {2 Chronicles 7:14}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of transformation, please forgive our nation and heal the land.
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

SAT JULY 15, 2017 {2 Chronicles 7:14}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of transformation, transform the church in Nigeria and revive her.
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

SUN JULY 16, 2017 {1 Chronicles 28:9}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of Transformation, transform my walk with you. I want to go deeper than my fathers (pray same for GOPEM).
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.



Please Study: Psalm 100:1-5, Isaiah 35:1-10

At the beginning of this year 2017, we set our heart on 50 days of fasting to humble ourselves and pray to our God regarding various things and most especially, for His Will to be done here on earth through us and through other believers across the globe. 33 days were observed in the 1st half of the year. In this second half of the year, we are observing the remaining 17 days from June 30 till July 16 2017. To this end, we encourage you to join us and seek God’s face in fasting and prayer. Participants can break their fast from 3pm upward. We all meet at GOPEM Secretariat, KONECCC Hall between 5pm & 6pm every evening except on Sundays for prayers.

            Our theme for this year is “My Year of Blossoming” according to Isaiah 35:2, hence we trust God to complete this work in our lives in the second half of 2017. Please use this prayer bulletin very well as you follow the prayer points. Take enough time in worship as you begin, and in conclusion, pray in tongues as you engage the supernatural. Beloved, you may also visit the ministry blog to download both the current and old prayer bulletins and many other useful information at

MON JULY 3, 2017 {John 5:1-9, John 2:1-11}
·        Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·        Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·   Oh God of Transformation, please transform all my limitations & shame (pray same for GOPEM)
·        Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

TUE JULY 4, 2017 {2 Kings 4:1-7, Matt 15:32-37}
·        Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·        Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·        Oh God of Transformation, transform all my debts, lack and disgrace (pray same for GOPEM)
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

WED JULY 5, 2017 {Prov 26:20}   
·       Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·       Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·       Oh God of Transformation, transform my weak prayer altar (pray same for GOPEM)
·       Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

THUR JULY 6, 2017 {1 Peter 1:16, Matt 5:48}
·       Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·       Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·       Oh God of Transformation, help me to stay holy always (pray same for GOPEM)
·       Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

FRI JULY 7, 2017 {Philemon 1:10-11, 1 Sam 25:1-39}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of Transformation, by your Holy Spirit, help my character flaws and human relations skill (pray same for GOPEM)
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

SAT JULY 8, 2017 {Acts 2:1-4, 4:31, 4:16}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of Transformation, transform my life & personal ministry with your power (pray same for GOPEM)
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

SUN JULY 9, 2017 {1 Chronicles 28:9}
·         Thank God, sing praises and worship Him.
·         Confess all sins, and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
·         Oh God of Transformation, transform my walk with you. I want to go deeper than my fathers (pray same for GOPEM).
·         Pray over other requests. Pray in tongues, and thank God for answered prayers.

Thursday, 15 June 2017


“Come, let's drink deeply of lovemaking until morning, let's delight ourselves with sexual intercourse”, says Jane to her boyfriend, Jude. “You can't be too right, after all, body no be firewood”, was Henry's response to the sexy offer made by Jane. Both Jane and Henry claimed to be in love and on several occasions had had sex together. Sometimes later, Jane was diagnosed and tested positive to HIV. About eight months after, Henry also started showing some symptoms of HIV, he was later tested and found to be positive. It was like a nightmare for both of them; so devastating. The shame, the stigma and the psychological pain was unbearable!
Jane once dreamed of becoming a successful lawyer. On several occasions, she had envisioned how she would be a very great advocate for the masses. She was wishing she could become a recognized voice in her generation, but she was deluded by the lies that sin offered her. She was a virgin till she attained SS1. While in SS2, in her second term, she got into a circle of friends who introduced their escapades to her. They told her she is missing a lot of fun by not improving her social life. Each one of them briefed her of their numerous boyfriends, both in their schools and in some higher institutions around. They showed her their personal worth, slick smartphones and other beautiful things their escapades have earned them. Their online life on facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. was quite fascinating. Some among them even proved to her how their sinful venture has enabled them to be the bread winner of their poor family at their young age. “It is a miserable life for you to be without at least one man you are going out with; you need a good man in your life”, so they said to Jane.
Jane joined them and within a little time she learned the ropes. Jane was having what they called good time until the tragedy struck while she was in her 300 level. In the midst of her escapades, she had gained admission to study Economics in a university and while in her 200 level she decided to reduce her sex partners to one at a time. She forgot that what kills in a poison is not the size. No matter how small a poison is, it kills! All along, unsuspecting families members still regarded Jane as a descent and innocent young lady. Her reformed life of sin could not help her as one of her sex partner had infected her with HIV in her 200 level. Her dream became shattered as her health gradually degenerated and she continued to fight to stay alive. Same sex created by God for good purpose had been used by devil to finish Jane. There is an appropriate sex; this is within a formal and legal marriage.
Dear reader, shun immorality and all sexual perversion; flee from all impurities in your thought, word, or lifestyle. Any other sin which a man commits is one outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. As a child of God, do you not know that your body is the temple, the very sanctuary of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, whom you have received as a Gift from God? You are not your own. You were bought with a price, purchased with a preciousness and fully paid for, to be made Jesus's own. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body. If someone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, which is what you are (1 Cor 6:18-20 AMP, 1 Cor 3:17 NET).
Sin will make you sink! However, understand that you need the power of God to stand against sins including sexual sin. Without genuine salvation through Jesus Christ, all your personal efforts to live right will always fall like a pack of card on a table. You need to be delivered from sins otherwise you will end in hell eternally. You must be saved today! Beloved, do not harden your heart; you need Jesus in your life now.
To become saved, please say these prayers:
Heavenly Father, today, I receive your Son Jesus into my life as my Lord and Saviour. I believe and confess that Jesus is the Son of God. He came in the flesh and died for my sins. I confess all my sins and determine to forsake them all. I receive your Holy Spirit to guide me for the rest of my life (amen).
For proper discipleship, attend GOPEM Discipleship Institute (GDI). Please call any of these numbers for spiritual help
08036113135, 08063817923 or visit:
God's Pillar End-time Mission (GOPEM) Incorporated,
SW9/115B, Olororo b/s, along Orita Challenge road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


STUDY TEXT: PSALM 52:6-9, REV 12:11, LUKE 17:11-19

1. AN EXPRESSION OF FAITH: when you are yet to see the manifestation of your desires. Hebrew 11:1
2. AGENT OF PERFECTION OF THE BLESSING: when the blessing is not yet perfected. Luke 17:11-19
3. SEAL FOR PERMANENCE: it makes the blessing irreversible provided the gratitude goes to God and the testimony is to honor God. Eccl 3:14

- All acts of God's goodness must be testified about.

- Sharing with immediate friends
- Writing to share with distant and unknown people
- Giving gifts to the temple. Always prepare a gift when you come for testimonies

1. It allows reversal
2. It allows doubt
3. It robs God of His glory
4. It denies the recipient the perfection of God's goodness.
5. It robs the congregation a source of confidence in the Lord.
6. It robs the potential listeners an opportunity to know the acts of God.
7. It disallows further testimony

1. It brings permanence
2. It solidifies faith in the particular testimony.
3. God rejoices as you give him the glory
4. Your blessings becomes perfected
5. Congregation and brethren are encouraged. You become an encourager
6. The world learns more about God through you
7. You gain more testimonies

1. To glorify God and God alone.
2. To strengthen and encourage others to trust in the Lord.
3. To showcase Christ's supreme power on earth.

1. Avoid exaggeration or lies. Say it the way it happens. However do not water it down or take any part of it for granted.
2. Avoid human worship or any act that makes the channel that God used to take the position of God. Use statement like, I give all glory to God... I thank God for His servant... This is the Lord's doing... etc.
3. Do not oppress others directly or indirectly with your testimonies.
4. When sharing before a congregation, keep to the time given to you and obey instructions

1. Appreciate God for them and sincerely rejoice with them; do not be embittered! That will block your own testimonies.
2. If you have your own testimony, please keep the sharing for another moment. Praise God for and celebrate the current testifier first, then share your own later.
3. Do not question their testimony unnecessarily simply because it sounds to good to believe. Even if you know or perceive they are telling lies, simply disregard the testimony as though you never heard it. Do not utter a word against it EXCEPT YOU ARE SURE. Always remember, God knows all things, and liars will be judged by God, not you. Stay uncontaminated.

Monday, 6 March 2017



MON Feb 27, 2017 {Psalms 35:1}
·         Thank God; sing praises and worship unto the Lord from your heart.
·         Thank Him for the blood of Jesus that justifies you and grants you access to His presence.
·         In the name of Jesus, arise Father and fight against all adversaries of your church and GOPEM ministry.
·         Oh Lord, strive against all my enemies and grant me lasting victory.
·         Pray over all your listed requests for the period of fasting and prayer.
·         Take some minutes to speak in tongues.
·         Thank Him for answering your prayers

TUE Feb 28, 2017 {Psalms 35:2b}
·         Thank God; sing praises and worship unto the Lord from your heart.
·         Thank Him for the blood of Jesus that justifies you and grants you access to His presence.
·         Heavenly Father, arise for the help of your church and GOPEM ministry.
·         My Father, arise for my help. Let 2017 be my best year so far.
·         Pray over all your listed requests for the period of fasting and prayer.
·         Take some minutes to speak in tongues.
·         Thank Him for answering your prayers

WED March 1, 2017 {1 John 3:8} 
·         Thank God; sing praises and worship unto the Lord from your heart.
·         Thank Him for the blood of Jesus that justifies you and grants you access to His presence.
·         Father, bring several sons and daughters into your Kingdom through all our programs in GOPEM this year. Let sinners and the oppressed be liberated through our programs in Jesus name.
·         I command the liberation of every unsaved soul in my family and around me in Jesus name.
·         Pray over all your listed requests for the period of fasting and prayer.
·         Take some minutes to speak in tongues.
·         Thank Him for answering your prayers

THUR March 2, 2017 {Psalms 20:2}
·         Thank God; sing praises and worship unto the Lord from your heart.
·         Thank Him for the blood of Jesus that justifies you and grants you access to His presence.
·         In the name of Jesus, I command resources for all 2017 projects in GOPEM to appear. No lack, no struggle, no setback in Jesus name. I command abundance for every good work in our midst.
·         Let help locate me from Zion. Mountains break forth into singing before me in 2017 in Jesus name
·         Pray over all your listed requests for the period of fasting and prayer.
·         Take some minutes to speak in tongues.
·         Thank Him for answering your prayers

FRI March 3, 2017 {Psalms 128:1-6}
·         Thank God; sing praises and worship unto the Lord from your heart.
·         Thank Him for the blood of Jesus that justifies you and grants you access to His presence.
·         Oh Lord, release your mighty blessing upon every sincere Christian home around the world and all marriages in GOPEM. Our seeds in marriage are blessed.
·         My Father, let my marriage (now or future) bring forth your glory to the fullness.
·         Pray over all your listed requests for the period of fasting and prayer.
·         Take some minutes to speak in tongues.
·         Thank Him for answering your prayers

SAT March 4, 2017 {John 10:28-29}
·         Thank God; sing praises and worship unto the Lord from your heart.
·         Thank Him for the blood of Jesus that justifies you and grants you access to His presence.
·         Oh Lord, let no one serving you in GOPEM forfeit his or her soul eternally. Jealously watch over us in your mercy till the end of our individual race.
·         My Father, because all things are possible with you, insure me eternally. Make it impossible for me to miss heaven.
·         Pray over all your listed requests for the period of fasting and prayer.
·         Take some minutes to speak in tongues.
·         Thank Him for answering your prayers

SUN March 5, 2017 {1 John 5:14}
·         Thank God; sing praises and worship unto the Lord from your heart.
·         Thank Him for the blood of Jesus that justifies you and grants you access to His presence.
·         Father thank you for answering all our prayers as a ministry and as individuals. I am forever grateful, and I return all the glory to you.
·         Take some minutes to worship in tongues.
·         Give God high praise and dance before the Lord with the whole of your heart.

Beloved remember Hebrews 11:1 & 6:
1. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…. 6. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Therefore, go ahead rejoicing as you progressively behold the manifestation of answers to your prayers. Shalom.